YouTube Video

  • Your channel must have 1000+ subscribers and at least 5 videos posted earlier.
    Forum Posting
  • Your account must be at least 2 months old with 30+ posts. The forum must be related to Social Media topics.
    Guest Posting
  • Your website should have a low spam rating.
  • To be eligible for a reward, you must have deposited at least $1 on the panel and ordered some services to write a review. Template texts are not accepted.
    You can receive the reward only once, so don't create new accounts to claim the reward again.

SMM PAK PANELS is not responsible for any damages caused to you or your business. We are in no way liable for any account suspension or sanctions by any social media platform.

Create a YouTube video about SMM PAK PANELS (e.g., how to sign up, add funds, and earn money by selling SMM services from SMM PAK PANELS). Make sure the title includes "SMM PAK PANELS - SMM Panel." Once you've created the video, send your video URL through a ticket, and you will receive $3.

Use your referral link to get a 10% commission.

Forum Posting
Create a thread or review post on a forum related to Social Media about SMM PAK PANELS (e.g., how to sign up, add funds, and earn money by selling SMM services from SMM PAK PANELS). The post title must include "SMM PAK PANELS - SMM Panel." After posting, send your post URL through a ticket, and you will receive $3.
P.S. The forum must be thematic about Social Media.

Use your referral link to get a 3% commission.

Guest Posting
Write an article about Social Media Marketing and post it on a guest posting site (with 50+ domain authority), linking back to SMM PAK PANELS using keywords like "SMM Panel," After publishing, send your URL through a ticket, and you will receive $3.

Use your referral link to get a 3% commission.

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